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To query a collection, use the query method on Collection:

It accepts a function as the argument, where you define the query.

The method returns an array of Doc instances:

await db.users.query(($) => [
$.field("birthday").gte(new Date(2000, 1, 1)),
//=> Doc<User>[]

Builder mode

The query also allows you to use the builder mode, where you accumulate the query operations and then call run to execute them:

// Start building the query
const $ =;
// ...Do something in between, including async operations
$.field("birthday").gte(new Date(2000, 1, 1));
// Run the query
await $.run();
// Doc<User>[]


Instead of awaiting the promise returned from query, you can call on on it to subscribe to the document updates:

.query(($) => [
$.field("birthday").gte(new Date(2000, 1, 1)),
.on((users) => {
// Doc<User>[]

To catch errors, use catch after calling on:

.query(($) => [
$.field("birthday").gte(new Date(2000, 1, 1)),
.on((users) => {
// ...
.catch((error) => {
//=> PERMISSION_DENIED: Missing or insufficient permissions

To stop listening to the updates, call the off function returned from the method:

const off = db.users
.query(($) => [
$.field("birthday").gte(new Date(2000, 1, 1)),
.on((users) => {
// ...
// Unsubscribe after 5 seconds
setTimeout(off, 5000);

You can also subscribe to query in the builder mode:

const $ =;
$.field("birthday").gte(new Date(2000, 1, 1));
// Subscribe to the query
$.run().on((users) => {
// Doc<User>[]

Read more about subscribing to real-time updates


To paginate data, use one of the methods provided by the $ helper:

await db.users.query(($) => [
// $.docId - use the id for sorting
// Every page - 25 documents

Use last user id, starting with undefined, to query the page, $.limit to specify the page size.

Aggregation queries

You can use queries to aggregate data in a collection. There are three methods available: count, sum, and average.


You can count the documents in a collection by calling the count method:

await db.users
.query(($) => $.field("name").eq("Alexander"))
// Call count method:
//=> 42

The method returns Promise<number>.


You can sum the document fields in a collection by calling the sum method:

await db.users
.query(($) => $.field("name").eq("Alexander"))
// Call sum method:
//=> 123

The method returns Promise<number>.


You can calculate the average of the document fields in a collection by calling the average method:

await db.users
.query(($) => $.field("name").eq("Alexander"))
// Call average method:
//=> 42

The method returns Promise<number>.

$ helper

The argument function receives $ helper object as the first argument that provides the query API.

$ type is TypesaurusQuery.Helpers.

You can return either a single query, array of queries or falsy value to skip the query and return undefined:

// Single query
await db.users.query(($) => $.field("name").eq("Sasha"));
//=> Doc<User>[]
// Array of queries
await db.users.query(($) => [
$.field("birthday").gte(new Date(2000, 1, 1)),
//=> Doc<User>[]
// If name is string or null:
await db.users.query(($) => name && $.field("name").eq(name));
//=> undefined | Doc<User>[]


The $.field allows you to target specific fields in the document. It allows you to query nested fields as well:

await db.users.query(($) =>
// Where is Alexander
$.field("profile", "name", "first").eq("Alexander"),

The result of the $.field provides a few methods that define the query:


To query documents where the field is equal to a value, use the eq method:

await db.users.query(($) =>
// Query users named Alexander
$.field("profile", "name", "first").eq("Alexander"),


To query documents where the field is not equal to a value, use the not method:

await db.users.query(($) =>
// Query users not named Alexander
$.field("profile", "name", "first").not("Alexander"),


To query documents where the field is less than a value, use the lt method:

await$) =>
// Query games with rating less than 3

The method only works with numbers and dates.


To query documents where the field is less or equal to a value, use the lte method:

await$) =>
// Query games with rating 3 or less

The method only works with numbers and dates.


To query documents where the field is greater than a value, use the gt method:

await$) =>
// Query games with rating greater than 8

The method only works with numbers and dates.


To query documents where the field is greater or equal to a value, use the gte method:

await$) =>
// Query games with rating 8 or greater

The method only works with numbers and dates.


To query documents where the field is in an array of values, use the in method:

await$) =>
// Query games published by Nintendo or Sony
$.field("publisher").in(["Nintendo", "Sony"]),


To query documents where the field is not in an array of values, use the notIn method:

await$) =>
// Query games not published by Nintendo or Sony
$.field("publisher").notIn(["Nintendo", "Sony"]),


To query documents where the field array contains a value, use the contains method:

await$) =>
// Query games that has rpg tag

The method only works with arrays.


To query documents where the field array contains any of the values, use the containsAny method:

await$) =>
// Query games that has rpg or action tag
$.field("tags").containsAny(["rpg", "action"]),

The method only works with arrays.


To order the query by the field, use the order method:

await$) =>
// Order games published between 2000 and 2010 by year
$.field("year").order("desc", [$.startAt(2000), $.endAt(2010)]),

It accepts the optional direction ("asc" | "desc") and optionally the range of values to order by. You can call the method without any arguments to order by the field in ascending order:

await$) =>
// Order games by year in ascending order

The field helpers that can be used to define the range are:


To query documents that match any of the queries, use the or method:

await db.users.quer(($) => [
$.or($.field("name").eq("Sasha"), $.field("name").eq("Tati")),

All the rest queries are considered to be joined by the and operator.


To limit the number of documents returned by the query, use the limit method:

await db.users.query(($) =>
// Query 10 users


To start the range at a value, use the startAt method:

await$) =>
// Query games published 2000 or later


To start the range after a value, use the startAfter method:

await$) =>
// Query games published after 2019


To end the range at a value, use the endAt method:

await$) =>
// Query games published 2019 or earlier


To end the range before a value, use the endBefore method:

await$) =>
// Query games published before 2000


To use the document id in the query, use the $.docId method:

await db.users.query(($) => [
// Query users after the last user id

It effectively allows you to paginate the query.



You can tell Typesaurus that it’s safe to use dates by passing the as option ("server" | "client"):

const [serverUser] = await db.users.query(($) => $.field("name").eq("Sasha"), {
as: "server",
serverUser &&;
//=> Date
const [clientUser] = await db.users.query(($) => $.field("name").eq("Sasha"), {
as: "client",
clientUser &&;
//=> Date | null

By default, Typesaurus uses the "client" option.

The builder mode also accepts the as option:

const $ ={ as: "server" });
$.field("birthday").gte(new Date(2000, 1, 1));
const [serverUser] = await $.run();
serverUser &&;
//=> Date

Read more about server dates.