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Point-in-Time Recovery

⚠️ Available starting with v10.6.0

Firestore allows you to recover document versions from the past. The feature is called point-in-time recovery. It’s useful when you accidentally delete or modify a document and want to restore it to the previous state.

Typesaurus provides an adapter that allows you to use this feature with your Typesaurus database without losing type-information. To start using it, install @typesaurus/recovery package:

Terminal window
npm install --save @typesaurus/recovery

The package exposes a single method — recover. It accepts Date, timestamp number, or ISO string and requests to recover for the given time:

import { recover } from "@typesaurus/recovery";
import { subDays } from "date-fns";
// Recover the user doc from 1 day ago:
await recover(subDays(new Date(), 1), db.users.get(userId));
// => Doc<User> | null

The recover function accepts all reading methods:

// Recover user with their comments and posts:
const [user, comments, posts] = await recover(yesterday, [
db.posts.query(($) => $.field("author").eq(userId)),

The method returns values from the corresponding reading methods.

Available reading methods:

It also supports collection groups:

import { groups } from "typesaurus/groups";
// Get all user comments
await recover(
groups(db).comments.query(($) => $.field("author").eq(userId)),

Read more about groups